Sunday, May 16, 2010

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm

I was tricked into taking a leisurely walk today. It was supposed to only last 20 Min's. Instead it was a 1 hour opus that was the Irish equivalent of falling down the rabbit hole. My walk through Cherubury Park consisted on the following twilight zone scenes:

We were rounding a bushy corner when we re-encountered a guy who looked like the spit the spit of Crispen Glover's greasy character from Charlies Angels. This guy was dressed in his best paedo jacket and when he passed me was carrying yellow gloves. We didn't take much notice of him until we rounded this corner just in time to see him don what were in fact yellow marigolds and proceed to do precisely 1 chin up from a car park's goal post barrier.

His one chin up was then rudely interrupted by a bus full of people which stopped to let a guy off, who along with us looked on at this guy in a classic wtf moment.

Crispen alike lowered himself to the ground, dusted himself off and proceeded on his merry marigold way.

Maybe he was gearing himself up for a strangling...

But on a more positive note we did discover the best new game in the world...

Rollerblade football.

Its football on rollerblades but your goal posts are your neighbours cars. The first one to knock the bumper off with the ball wins...

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